HAVAR Gift Solicitation and Acceptance Policy

HAVAR solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission and that support its core programs, as well as special projects.

HAVAR solicitations will be accurate, truthful, and candid. Solicitation materials shall follow all federal and state requirements for solicitations.

Donations will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities, without limitations—unless acceptance of gifts from a specific source is inconsistent with HAVAR’s mission.

In the course of its regular fundraising activities, HAVAR will accept donations of the following: money, securities, real property, and personal property.

Certain types of gifts must be reviewed prior to their being accepted because they will create liabilities or impose special obligations on HAVAR. The types of gifts that will require review, and the review process, are as follows:

  • Gifts of real property – land and/or buildings may only be accepted upon approval of the Board of Trustees or its designated committee;
  • Gifts of personal property – personal property such as automobiles, furniture, business equipment, may only be accepted upon approval of the Executive Director;
  • Gifts of securities – publicly traded stocks, bonds, or other securities may only be accepted upon approval of the Executive Director;
  • Restricted gifts – gifts that may only be used for restricted purposes may only be accepted upon approval of the Executive Director;
  • Unusual gifts – gifts that are out of the ordinary, such that they differ significantly from the amounts or types of gifts that are routinely received by the organization, may only be accepted upon approval of the Board.

HAVAR may elect to refuse gifts of cash, securities, real estate or other items of value if there is reason to believe that such gifts are incompatible with the mission of the organization, conflict with its core values, or would create a financial, administrative, or programmatic burden.

The Executive Director is directed to refer unusual gifts to the Executive Committee or the Board of Trustees for guidance on a case-by-case basis. Employees of the organization are encouraged to bring to the attention of the Executive Director any concerns they may have about the appropriateness of accepting any gift.

HAVAR may elect to refuse gifts of any type if the potential gift poses a conflict of interest – including but not limited to real conflicts of interests, appearances of conflicts of interest, or perceived conflicts of interest.

HAVAR follows the Donor Bill of Rights (developed by American Association of Fund Raising Counsel, Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, and the Association of Fundraising Professionals).

When funds are accepted with restrictions, restrictions will be honored. Requests by donors to remain anonymous, have their names removed from mailing lists, or to restrict appeals will be honored to the extent allowed by law. Information about donors that should be private will not be made public. Donors will not be subject to excessive pressure when solicited for contributions.

HAVAR does not hire fundraisers.

The HAVAR Executive Director will approve all fundraising activity conducted by any staff, volunteers, consultants, contractors, board members, and others soliciting on behalf of the organization.

Approved by the Finance Comm 11.8.11
Reviewed 7.15 ds